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Developer Training

Learn about Golioth and Zephyr, with hands-on exercises

Learn About Golioth

Learn About Golioth

This guide is for Developers to understand the various features of Golioth and how we can assist IoT deployments. Along the way, Developers will learn skills for making resiliant IoT systems on both the embedded and Cloud side.

Zephyr Training

Zephyr Training

Our users find that Zephyr RTOS provides maximum hardware control and flexibility for their client or company projects. After getting started quickly, users will learn how to properly set up a Zephyr project and be ready to deploy a professional project.

REST API TrainingREST API Training

Golioth REST API Training

Golioth makes it easy to interact with your IoT devices and their data. This REST API training module will familiarize you with how devices are represented in the cloud. You'll learn how monitor and control your fleet, and access the time-series and stateful data being collected from it.

Live Zephyr Training

In addition to this self-guided website, Golioth offers free Zephyr training every month! Sign up now for our next session to get up to speed on the basics of Zephyr RTOS with Golioth engineers. This live training is held via a video conference platform and offers a guided version of the training found on this website.

Sign up for free Zephyr training!